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DKB Broker Review & Rating 2025 » Is DKB Broker Reliable or Scam?

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When looking for a reliable Forex broker in Germany, many traders will certainly stumble upon the DKB brokerage firm. Is DKB legit? The German credit bank is a well-known and reputable company. But is DKB good when it comes to the range of trading instruments? Whether the broker is convincing or whether the motto “more appearance than reality” is more appropriate is discussed in this DKB review.

Everything you need to know about the DKB types of accounts and the company itself is described in this DKB broker review based on your own experience, because the questions are in the room: Is the DKB just a good bank or also a recommendable online broker? Let’s find out with our detailed DKB review.

It's going to be an unbiased review. AtoZ Markets is in no way responsible for any opinions given by the writer.

Company Overview

Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB) is a German credit institute that is headquartered in Berlin. DKB is an independent company, but is now a subsidiary of Bayerische Landesbank. The DKB offers various offers for both business and private customers, which is why the DKB operates in two business areas: the business area as a direct bank and as a commercial bank. The DKB also has a long history and tradition, because the bank was founded in 1990. It is now the second largest direct bank in Germany and thus enjoys a high reputation among the population.

The DKB has a wide range of experience to offer. It now operates at a total of 26 German locations and is an absolute institution. But it looked different once. When it was founded on March 19, 1990, the DKB was the only private bank in the GDR. As a private bank, the share capital was still held by the GDR State Bank, among others. Nowadays, the DKB holds 80% of the total assets in the firm of loans throughout Germany. Thus, the DKB is exclusively a credit bank and not an investment bank or even asset management.

As a customer bank, the DKB offers the current account DKB Cash to customers. A custody account can also be opened in this account, with which securities can be traded at any time through online banking. In addition, the DKB also issues its own securities on the market . Here, the DKB pays particular attention to issuing sustainable securities that are also checked under ethical and social standards.

The special features of the DKB at a glance

  • BaFin regulation
  • No minimum deposit
  • Customer-friendly conditions
  • Best execution order execution
  • A free current account is part of the DKB depot

Pros and Cons of DKB 

Pros and cons of trading bot


  • Depot management free of charge
  • The fund and fund savings plans are free of charge
  • Limit function and order changes are free of charge
  • BaFin regulation
  • No minimum deposit
  • Customer-friendly fee model


  • No trading of derivatives or warrants possible
  • No crypto investment is possible 

Is DKB a safe platform? 

Is dkb Trusted?

Deutsche Kreditbank AG's offer is very secure for customers and retailers. This is the case both via online banking access on the Internet and in the DKB Broker depot via the banking app. Both data security, a secure connection and deposit protection for traders are crucial for this. To what extent the DKB Broker protects its own customers is shown below.

Internet Fraud Awareness

So that the customers of the DKB Broker platform do not get caught up in phishing sites and cyber crime, the broker fulfills its information obligations and provides information on current crime trends on its website. The DKB states that there are entire websites that are structured in a similar way to the DKB site and that ask for passwords, credit card details and Tan. 


The DKB Broker therefore calls for vigilance in online banking and online trading. If a trader receives a phishing mail and notices it, the DKB has the opportunity to report it. At info@dkb.d e customers can forward the phishing mail with a note and the DKB will initiate further steps.


And how can customers protect themselves from phishing? The DKB gives some tips here. 


Online banking should always only be done via the DKB app or the website, a double TAN entry must be avoided urgently and the request for sensitive data to be sent by email or SMS is dubious and not in the same way as the DKB does with customers. Furthermore, it is always useful to pay attention to the URL address.

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Experience also shows that you should always make sure that the site is SSL-encrypted. This is the case with the DKB. This means that third parties cannot access the data. The internet connection between the DKB and the end customer is therefore safe and secure.

Dkb Cash Security Guarantee

The DKB has anchored several security mechanisms in the depot to protect the customer. When opening the online banking access, approval via the banking app on mobile devices is always required. In addition, a TAN must be entered before each transfer or transaction. If damage is caused by third parties in the course of this, the DKB Cash security guarantee applies and the damage is covered by the DKB.

TAN Procedure When Trading with Mobile Devices

With the TAN2go app and the external TAN device chipTAN in conjunction with a good password, the customer at the DKB enjoys double protection. The secure TAN process. Customers must therefore decide at the DKB Broker whether they want to allow TAN queries via smartphone or mobile device via app or via a separate generator that is physically available. While the app is quick and easy to use, the TAN generator is primarily intended for people who have an increased need for security. Using the TAN2go app, a TAN can be generated from anywhere and at any time, and transactions or securities purchases can be carried out. Experience shows that querying a TAN is a secure process that has proven itself and only takes a few seconds.

DKB Deposit Protection

The DKB offers triple protection for the customer's deposit security. This applies to both the DKB Cash account and the DKB depot. The first pillar of the triple protection is the basic security, which is legally stipulated in the amount of 100,000 euros. 

These deposits are protected by the Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany GmbH. It is important for depositors to pay attention to the reimbursement period. This is only seven days in total. The second pillar of deposit protection is formed by the deposit protection fund of the Federal Association of Public Banks Germany eV The DKB voluntarily protects the deposits of customers with a certain amount of over 100,000 euros. 

Which includes

  • Time deposits
  • savings
  • denominated savings bonds

Finally, the third pillar is the Bayerische Landesbank's letter of comfort. This declaration ensures that the DKB also fulfills its obligations.

The test shows that the deposits at the DKB are very well secured. Not only the amount prescribed by law is covered here, but also any damage arising from certain areas.

DKB Broker review: Trading Platform

An important prerequisite for trading is a suitable trading platform on which trades can be managed, viewed and checked at any time. In this DKB review, we have scrutinized DKB's trading platform. How good is it really and is it convincing with its clarity? 

Trade Via Web Access

The DKB does not directly offer a trading platform. Instead, you can trade directly via the browser on the website in the DKB depot. A DKB account is a prerequisite for opening a depot. This can be set up free of charge. As soon as you have logged into your DKB account, you can manage your own depot as well as your own account. Thus, the web access offers the best of both worlds.

Under the tab "Depot status" in web trading it is possible to manage your own depot. Here you can buy and sell securities, view securities savings plans and market overviews and check your own order book. Experience shows that the web trading access from the DKB is very clearly structured. In addition, security is also strongly guaranteed here. After five minutes of inactivity, DKB logs the user out directly as a protective measure so that the account is protected from unauthorized use.

Charting And Analysis Options

Charting and analysis options are also available to investors at DKB. A large number of securities can be viewed both via its own watchlist and via the market overview. But of course, traders are particularly interested in their own investments. You can click on the respective investment instrument and information about the price development and further information are used for analysis purposes. However, there is no way to display a scenario of the further course.

Mobile trading is possible with the DKB app

Since 2016 the DKB has been offering the DKB app with which both the DKB account and the DKB depot can be managed. The DKB app is called DKB banking and guarantees the same access to the depot as is also possible via web trading access. In this way, investors can always access their own portfolio from anywhere.

DKB Broker Review: Account Types

There are a total of four account types at the DKB:

  • DKB Cash
  • DKB Cash for students
  • DKB Cash joint account
  • DKB Cash u18

It is possible to open a custody account with all four account types. Depending on the individual life situation, either one or the other account is available. It should be noted in this DKB review, however, that the DKB Cash u18 is primarily intended for parents to deposit assets for their children. This account is therefore less suitable for professional trading.

DKB Cash

This account is perfect as a general account for everyone. In addition to access to the depot, users around the world can withdraw money from ATMs free of charge, without account management fees and only with an overdraft interest of 6.65%.

DKB Cash for students

If you are currently in training, this account is the right choice. Increased security standards and the ISIC student ID with discounts for a large number of shops are advantages that take effect here.

DKB Cash joint account

If you want to have a joint account and custody account with your partner, the joint account is preferable. Both parties receive a card here. However, there are no other advantages for couples.

DKB Cash u18

If you want to increase your child's wealth accumulation with a fund or another investment and want to have an overview of the finances of a teenage child, you should prefer this account.


As we have previously mentioned in this DKB review, crypto trading or investment is currently not available with this broker.

Fees and Commissions

The costs and fees were already considered in the test above. There are no costs for the account management at the DKB, which is why linking the account with the DKB broker account is not a problem. Only when buying securities and trading themselves can both flat fees and costs depending on the order volume from the financial service provider arise. For the use of the online depot there are only costs per order. All costs can be found at the DKB broker website.

Customer Support

Customer support

If you have any questions about your own DKB broker account, DKB customer service can be reached Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays.

The German-speaking customer service is happy to take care of customers' concerns and is available to provide advice and assistance. Experiences from other users of customer support let it shine in a good light. Customer service should be very friendly, helpful and easy to reach. For general questions, there is also a contact form and the extensive FAQ area of the DKB available. Despite advancing digitization, DKB's customer service has not yet offered a live chat option.

Is DKB Regulated? 


The regulation of a broker says a lot about the seriousness of the provider. Every broker should always be under the supervision of a certified regulatory body. It is important for investors here that the regulatory certificates are up-to-date. As long as a financial service provider is monitored by a regulatory body, a new certificate must also be issued every new year. In this way it can be seen whether the financial service provider still complies with the regulars of the institute and complies with them.


As a German direct bank, DKB is safe as the company under the supervision of BaFin. BaFin is the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority in Germany with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main and Bonn. Among other things, it ensures the stability and integrity of the financial institutions and thus the holistic financial system. At DKB, BaFin acts as a banking and securities supervisory authority.


As you have seen in this DKB review, this broker is a good choice if traders pursue an investment strategy that uses a variety of instruments and simple trading via web traders or mobile devices is preferred. 


If you were wondering, is DKB safe? Is DKB legit? This DKB broker review has shown you that traders can also enjoy a high level of security. You do not also have to worry about DKB scam as this broker is regulated by BaFin and offers triple protection for deposits and always pays attention to the security of customer data. In particular, traders with a long-term investment framework are at the right place at DKB.


However, the broker is not suitable for day traders or scalpers. On the one hand, this is not possible and, on the other hand, there are relatively high order fees per order. Experience has shown that these order fees are only worthwhile if the investment strategy is also long-term. Although the broker does not offer any further training opportunities, traders can still benefit from the help and support of the broker. Customer service, the detailed FAQ area or security protection can be cited as advantages.



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Account Types
Customer Support

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