Best Copy Trading Software 2025

In recent years on forums dedicated to trading and in search engine searches, the term Copy Trading is increasingly present.

The forex and  brokers in the face of this demand have adopted proprietary and third-party solutions that allow their user to use this service

What is Copy Trading?

Copy trading

But what is copy trading? Through software, the trader/investor of a broker can choose to copy signals/orders that come from other traders.

This solution can be very convenient especially for the novice trader/investor who has not yet developed his own strategy, but it can also be an interesting diversification solution even for the most advanced traders.

Technically, when you choose to "connect" your account to a copy trading platform, you can follow not only a single signal, but also a series of multiple signals from different traders/suppliers.

The increase in this phenomenon is largely due to the proliferation of social networks, through which investors can get to know each other and share their trading ideas and those of others.

Through copy trading, therefore, it is possible to have on your account the signals and also the orders that come from other accounts that have been chosen.

A very convenient solution for the trader to have replicated gains made by others on his own platform, but it must be emphasized that any losses are also reported on the account of whoever receives the signal.

Depending on the copy trading platforms available, the trader / investor can choose between multiple signals to create his own "replication" portfolio, he can establish maximum loss levels as well as gains in which to exit "replication". In some software it is also possible to choose the replication factor on the basis of one's own capital and on the basis of the capital of the provider; this implies that it is possible with one's own choice to lower or raise the risk of the signal, always remembering that every instrument worked with financial leverage always has a high risk on its invested capital.

The benefits of copy trading

The first advantage is that of a potential passive income once the "winning" signal has been chosen and the copy trading parameters set. Very often through these software it is not even necessary to have the broker's own platform turned on where we have the account as, with the credentials of this, they have been entered in the copy trading system.

These software are very often equipped with apps or websites optimized for mobile that allows you to monitor the progress of your investment at any time.

Another important aspect that the trader/investor must consider is that the ownership of the trading account opened with the broker remains his own. Therefore, requests for withdrawal and/or deposit to the account can only be made by this and not by the signal provider.

Having this type of platform available allows you to choose between different signal providers, signals, and traders who can work on different markets and with.

The suggestion is to use a signal that comes from a provider of the same broker we are using, for several reasons including:

  • Total price alignment
  • Same liquidity
  • Same conditions

The best copy trading software

AvaTrade on its site offers some platforms for copy trading, this type of service is also called auto-trading as it is clear that the user can automatically find the trading carried out by others on his own platform.

If you want to trade with a regulated broker, open an account with any of the below brokers:

Multibank Review
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4.8/5 Review
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4.8/5 Review
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Duplitrade is a company authorized as an Asset Manager (Portfolio Manager) also in the European context. Revolutionary software to try, born from years of experience of programmers on the mirror and copy trading services.

Through its simple and intuitive platform, the trader can take advantage of the signals coming from the signal providers automatically or by creating a portfolio of these, in such a way as to be able to receive them on his account or in a more active way he can also "trade on the trading of these signals ”by creating a portfolio of signals himself. It is possible to set risk and money management and asset allocation parameters among these.

The Duplitrade account can also be tried in a free version with your AvaTrade account, the real version is enriched with additional functions.

Zulu Trade

Zulu Trade is definitely a pioneer among copy trading services. Hundreds of signals to be allocated automatically and semi-automatically on your AvaTrade account.

Register to receive sentiments and executions from all over the world.

Each Signal Provider compares itself with the others to climb the performance rankings, controlling the risk of their strategies. By evaluating what is present in real time, it is possible to follow the proposed portfolios or create your own. And optimized according to your own risk profile.

If you want to trade with a regulated broker, open an account with any of the AtoZ Markets approved forex brokers:

Multibank Review
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4.8/5 Review
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4.8/5 Review
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 Signals by Metatrader

The Signals service is provided within the Metatrader platform. Very simple to register directly from your terminal. A variety of scores from all users who are using the same platform as you from all over the world. Once again this platform takes you “beyond Trading”!

Within these platforms it is also possible to register as a signal provider in different ways.

AvaTrade's and your account are the tool to enter these services that will amplify your knowledge and trading potential.

Take advantage of the economies of scale based on the experiences of traders who have been operating on the markets for years, follow their operations, analyze their track records, evaluate their risk return, optimize it with the tools that AvaTrade and its partners make available to you.

Each of these services is optimized to let you choose among the best signals, sort them by percentage of earnings, by percentage of drow down, by risk factor, by duration, by number of users who follow them. Everything at your disposal to make your choices among the best signals of the best traders.

In addition to these third-party platforms, AvaTrade offers proprietary solutions with dedicated plug-ins to create copy / mirror trading systems.

For any information and further information we remain at your direct disposal at the following dedicated email.

If you want to trade with a regulated broker, open an account with any of the below brokers:

Multibank Review
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4.8/5 Review
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4.8/5 Review
Visit Site

Copy Trading FAQ

Do I need trading experience to try my hand at copy trading?

If your plan is just to follow and copy other traders, no experience is required, having one would at least allow you to analyze and select a good trader to imitate. In reality, it is often novice traders who choose it. If you take the time to study how the providers you follow perform it can be a good way to start growing an account, and learn how to trade. If you are a new trader and worry about losing money with copy trading, you can always try it out on a demo account first.

Is copy trading too risky?

No more than anything else you would do on your own account, especially if you carefully study the traders to follow. That is to say that trading is inherently risky and there is always the possibility of losing money. Also keep in mind that a trader's past performance is no guarantee of their future performance, so even if they have been profitable for three consecutive years, they may have their first losing week right after you decide to follow them. As always, never invest more than you can afford to lose.

How can I find good traders to copy?

While it might seem tempting to copy traders with a 300% annual return, in general these traders take too much risk and eventually break out. Instead, look for traders who have at least one year of trading history and a return between 10% and 30%. They should also be active enough to place at least one trade per week. This guarantees you are looking to grow their trading base rather than just locking money in a single trade. If you want to spread your risk, you can spread your copy trading on 2-4 different traders.

Should you trade using copy trade on your own at all?

Before you start copy trading, you'll want to read this.

Our in-house trading expert Dr Yury Safronau, PhD in Economic Sciences, gives you daily his best forex, metals, and cryptocurrencies to buy and sell signals right now.



His trading strategies which are based on non-linear dynamic models have achieved more than 65 000 pips of profits since 2015. And right now there are some very strong buy and sell signals across several markets you don't want to miss.

Want to see which ones?