Top 5 Trading Books Every Trader Must Read

Many people would like to learn how to become a successful trader, whether it's in commodities, stocks, options, or in forex. There are many trading books out there that can help you to become a successful trader in any market place. Therefore, here is my list of the top 5 trading books that every new trader must read!

Trading Academy | AtoZ MarketsBecoming a successful trader can be a big challenge task, with various ups and downs along the way. There are many right ways to become a professional trader, but reading books about other great trader's life can be very helpful. Besides, there are several trading books exists that only recorded for real-world traders regarding how they can reach the top. So, below we are going to recommend some best trading book names, which you can read to understand the trading world.

5 Best Trading Books for Beginners

These trading books and many others can give in-depth information on the complication of investors trading. Moreover, these books contain a great amount of knowledge about trading and the psychology behind making investments.

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

"Reminiscences of a Stock Operator" is written by Edwin Lefevre. Although the author published this book in 1923, it still one of the most inspirational books for traders and investors. 

Moreover, Jesse Livermore has presented as the main character, Larry Livingston, in the book. It's a fictionalized account of the man deliberated by many to be the best stock trader of all time.

Best Trading Books

This book is also famous as simply a good read. It is one of the few efforts at a detailed biographical account (albeit fictionalized) of one of the renowned investors in the stock market in the early 20th century. Moreover, it provides very interesting insights into Livermore's self-education as a trader. Furthermore, the book also contains numerous pearls of wisdom on trading, with a quote such as, "Always sell what shows you a loss and keep what shows you a profit."

The Intelligent Investor

"The Intelligent Investor" written by Benjamin Graham, considered as one of the values investing books. It has still one of the most popular investing strategies and the underlying principle of hundreds of investing strategies. Moreover, these books published in 1949, and after that, it has left their valuable impression in the stock market.

Best Trading Books

"The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham is focussed on Warren Buffet. Critiques often refer to this book as the best book ever written on investing. It's also one of the primary sources for his education in trading stocks. Furthermore, Graham present in the book, his core investing philosophy of identifying the personal value of an investment and then looking for buy below that value.

Moreover, Benjamin Graham mentions various quotes in this book like:

"To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework."

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

"The Little Book of Common Sense Investing" is written by the Vanguard Group founder John C. Bogle. He is known for providing the lowest cost funds in the industry.

Vanguard Group is also one of the largest asset management houses in the world, with over $3 trillion in total assets under management. Bogle's message is simple, keep costs low, and invest in the market indices in the long run. John C. Bogle's other book, Common Sence on Mutual Funds, is the best seller and breaks down mutual fund investing.

the Little Book of Common Sense Investing- AtoZmarkets

The Making of an American Capitalist

"The Making of an American Capitalist" written by Roger Lowenstein, which had published in 1995. This book sheds insight into the ways and means of the Oracle of Omaha. Moreover, Warren Buffett's ideas are insightful, and his systems may output fruitful rewards for investors. With enough patience to learn them, appreciate them, and apply them exactly.

The Making of an American Capitalist- AtoZmarkets

The Truth about day trading stocks

"The Truth about day trading stocks" written by Josh DiPietro, which had published in 2009. While many books in the market sing about the potential riches, Josh DiPietro underlines day trading is not getting rich quick scheme. The book had written in a very easy format. Where you can say that he genuinely wants to make you aware of the dangers, he also advised on how to manage them.

Moreover, there are some necessary texts that you can glean from this book. You will feel, you're learning the truth from the first chapter until the last. Furthermore, Josh DiPietro's trading access in the market involves making many trades every day. His method of exiting losing trades as fast as possible and minimizing transaction costs. Besides, he has also dedicated to providing alternative educational access for ambitious traders. He also has a reviewer of the educational paths, which handed over by the founded trading industry.

The Truth about day trading stocks - AtoZ Markets


I've shared some of my top Stock and Forex trading books here. However, self-discipline is key for every trader! You won't become a successful trader without self-education!  You must read and gather knowledge about the market and the history behind it. But don't fall into the marketing hype. Identify your needs before committing to any trading book. Especially, if you are reading technical analysis or fundamental analysis books consider the time element. What was written in the 1950s will not exactly be applicable today!

Once you identify your needs order your book and take a notepad. Kind of, jot down notes for your future self.

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