Adjustable MA 3G Expert Advisor

You can now download the Adjustable MA 3G Expert Advisor for free on AtoZ Markets indicators gallery. This expert advisor is available for both MT4 and MT5.

Adjustable MA 3G is a highly customizable Forex expert advisor that is based on the custom 3rd Generation Moving Average indicator and the classic two MA cross strategy. You can adjust the MA periods, MA methods, MA price type, minimum MA difference, stop-loss, take-profit, trailing stop, slippage and money management parameters. This expert advisor always opens a position on a cross and closes it on the next cross (if it was not closed earlier by the SL or TP).

Input Parameters

  • Lots (default = 0.1) — a trading volume in standard lots.
  • StopLoss (default = 170) — a stop-loss to be used with trades.
  • TakeProfit (default = 60) — a take-profit to be used with trades.
  • TrailingStop (default = 0) — a trailing stop to be applied to trades.
  • Slippage (default = 3) — maximum tolerable slippage in pips.
  • Period_1 (default = 35) — the period of the first moving average.
  • Period_2 (default = 30) — the period of the second moving average.
  • Period_Sampling_Slow (default = 160) — the sampling period of the slow moving average.
  • Period_Sampling_Fast (default = 196) — the sampling period of the fast moving average.
  • MA_Method_Slow (default = MODE_EMA) — the calculation method of the slow moving average.
  • MA_Method_Fast (default = MODE_EMA) — the calculation method of the fast moving average.
  • MA_Applied_Price_Slow (default = PRICE_TYPICAL) — the applied price for the slow moving average.
  • MA_Applied_Price_Fast (default = PRICE_TYPICAL) — the applied price for the fast moving average.
  • MinDiff (default = 1) — a minimum difference between two moving averages in pips for the cross to count.
  • UseMM (default = false) — if true, the EA will apply its money management rules.
  • LotsPer10000 (default = 1) — how many standard lots per trade to use if UseMM is set to true.

Adjustable MA 3G Expert Advisor backtesting results

The backtest of the Adjustable MA 3G MetaTrader expert advisor has shown ~4.18% profit with ~8.82% maximum drawdown during a period of 12 months. The used trading volume was set to 0.1 standard lot. The EA made 71 trades, of which 64.79% were profitable. The default settings were used in this backtest on the EUR/USD H4 chart.

How to download and install an expert advisor

In order to install an expert advisor on your MT4 platform, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Download Indicator” button located at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Save the file to your computer.
  3. Extract and move the files into the MT4>Experts folder of the MetaTrader4 software file directory.
  4. Restart your Metatrader platform.
  5. Find and activate “Adjustable MA 3G” Expert Advisor in the Navigator window.

Note: This Expert Advisor was developed by a third party. AtoZ Markets does not carry any copyrights over this trading tool.

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