DSS arrow FX momentum strategy is a part of the MT4 trading system that is based on two momentum indicators DSS arrow and slope indicator. This strategy can also be applied using Renko chart with box size of 5 pips or higher. The DSS arrow FX momentum strategy works on any currency pair and we recommend to use it on M30 or higher
Using DSS arrow FX momentum strategy
DSS arrow FX momentum strategy consists of MTF indicators like DSS Bressert arrow TT, filter (slope indicator) and Renko live chart 600.
DSS arrow FX momentum strategy
Buying strategy: Buy when DSS Bressert arrow TT arrow shows buy and filter (slope indicator) green line.
Selling strategy: Sell when the DSS Bressert arrow TT arrow shows sell and filter (slope indicator) green line.
Download DSS arrow FX momentum strategy and Trading system
You can download DSS arrow FX momentum indicator and trading system for free by clicking the “Download” button located at the bottom of the screen.
Want to trade Forex using DSS Arrow FX Momentum strategy with a reliable broker? Open an account with any of the below AtoZ Markets approved forex brokers:
How do you install an indicator?
In order to install DSS arrow FX momentum indicator on your MT4, you need to:
1. Click on “Download” button above to download DSS arrow FX momentum indicator;
2. Save the file to your computer;
3. Extract and move the files into ;
4. Restart your Metatrader platform;
5. Navigate to “Templates”; 6. And select “DSS arrow FX momentum strategy” template to apply it on the chart.
Note: DSS arrow FX momentum strategy was developed by Simon and sent by an AtoZ Markets follower from Berlin, Alfred. AtoZ Markets not carry any copyrights over this trading tool.
Should you trade using DSS Arrow FX Momentum strategy on your own at all?
Before you start trading with this strategy, you'll want to read this.
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